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  • Shenzhen shundarong Technology Co., Ltd
  • Shenzhen shundarong Technology Co., Ltd
  • Shenzhen shundarong Technology Co., Ltd
Outdoor solutions
    Theme park outdoor interactive touch query all-in-one solution

    Theme park outdoor interactive touch query all-in-one solution


    Uninterrupted scrolling changes throughout the day in the theme, the park entrance and access to information.Getting \"invalid time\" to \"effective period\", extended release the release of the space and time. Traditional publicity column, YueBaoLan: static spread, published has been produced good propaganda, cannot be updated in real t...

    Hospital medical outdoor advertising machine solution

    Hospital medical outdoor advertising machine solution


    1. In the hospital doors, Kaldi rich outdoor advertising machine play the hospital of the latest information, such as the introduction of new diseases and prevention, the major disease of things told that let users in the hospital can learn about the related disease information, such as the 2003 SARS outbreak, in 2013, bird flu, hospitals...

    Subway platform of intelligent traffic solutions - outdoor advertising machine

    Subway platform of intelligent traffic solutions - outdoor advertising machine


    Today\'s society, there is demand will be supply, when consumers no brand choice, always enter the store choice, it is there a way you can guide consumers?Well, by the way, that is advertising, newspapers, media, television, network and so on are now the dominant form of advertising, as a stream of oversize subway station?Do not appropria...

    Kaldi intelligent community outdoor advertising machine solution

    Kaldi intelligent community outdoor advertising machine solution


    Wisdom city is making full use of digital and related computer technology and means, related to the development of urban infrastructure and life in all aspects of the content of all aspects of information processing and utilization, with the city geography, resources, ecology, environment, population, economy, society and the complex syst...


Consulting Service
Users in the course of any problems encountered, can call the free consultation Tel: 0755-21042483 Advisory
Replacement Service
Replacement period of the product, if there is indeed due to factory quality problems caused by the reasons, the user can go to the dealer free of charge.
Warranty Service
Warranty period of the product, if a quality problem, can go to the local after-sales service center to enjoy the warranty service.
Maintenance Service
Maintenance period of the product, if a quality problem, the user can go to the local after-sales service center or commissioned by the dealer for repair services.
  • Shenzhen shundarong Technology Co., Ltd
  • Shenzhen shundarong Technology Co., Ltd